Saturday, December 12, 2009

What, you're out of virtual jeans too?

I spent a significant time before I started this post simply trying to find the last post I did about jean shopping. Because I know there was one--I remember it being especially witty, as I remember most things I write until I actually read them again. At any rate, I'm jean shopping again, much to my disgruntlement. One pair fits in the waist, but not the legs. One pair fits in the legs but has the wrong cut, one pair would fit in a smaller size (which they do not have in stock), etc. I hate jean shopping, but my beloved favorite jeans are about worn to pieces (not to mention nearly white-washed and baggy like, well, super old denim). So I'm on the hunt, again, only this time I have two children who love to come in the dressing room and give me their opinion. They're not particularly helpful ("Mom, those look perfect" "Um, I can't get them buttoned" "Oh. But you should get them anyway"), but they do make for cheerful distraction.

Speaking of distraction, I really do not need to be jean shopping right now, with holiday shopping to finish, a baby shower cake to make, gingerbread houses to construct, and a novel to rewrite*. Or maybe that's why I'm jean shopping instead.

By the by, if you do happen to find that missing jeans post, please let me know. My mind might be hiding right there with it.

*Did I mention rewrite? Oh yes, because it would be too easy to just line edit and move on. How about we chuck the whole first half and reorganize the second? Shall we change and/or eliminate characters, too? I think we shall! What fun it is to carve up something that seems to be melting away under my very keystrokes!

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