Saturday, August 23, 2008

About the stomach flu

I've come up with a few observations during our (continued) bout with this flu:

  • No matter how many sets of sheets you have, it's not enough.
  • When no one gets dressed during the day, you run out of pajamas very quickly.
  • Just because kids are littler doesn't mean that they barf any less.
  • Throwing up doesn't wake your child up nearly as much as the bath they have to take to get the vomit out of their hair.
  • The best place when you're sick is on Mommy's lap. No exceptions are made, even if Mommy needs to be sick herself.
  • You can go through an amazing amount of dishes for not eating anything.
  • There are lots of ways to combine white bread, applesauce, banana, and rice, but none of them make them any less boring.
  • You can only watch so much Bob the Builder before you start referring to family members as Scoop, Muck, and Dizzy (Roley, too... hum along if you'd like).
  • Men's Handball, broadcast in Korean, can be riveting when you're still awake at 4am.
  • Just when you let down your guard, they'll throw up again. Guaranteed.
  • By the end of the week, you start saying things like, "Just give her the french fry, cause she's gonna throw it up anyway," and "I don't care what happens as long as I sleep through it."

It ends, right. I mean, someday? Please?


Melissa said...

Lofty and Wendy, join the crew! Something some something... like good friends should.

A bit of cinnamon in warm water? Oscillicum? Nux vomica?

You poor things. You'll be much better soon. So very soon. And not nearly soon enough.

writermeeg said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry to see this! I'm having awful flashbacks of when we all got it this spring, on the first night of staying with my parents in a rented beach house (yes, they eventually got it, too, and, no, there was no beach playing but a lot of sheet washing that week). Ugh. Awful. Sending big hugs and good wishes that you all get well SOON. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

Ok, new idea for my poor friend Diana: Stomach flu pajamas made from shower curtains!
Sending you healing love!!!